Cllr Sarah James
Cllr Sarah James

The Labour-led Haringey Council has today agreed to pay workers in the care sector a Living Wage.

This builds on Haringey’s accreditation as a Living Wage borough in 2018 for all directly employed staff.

The new budget, passed at the full Council meeting, will mean that all care providers working with Haringey Council will pay their staff in line with the Living Wage Foundation’s rates.

Haringey Council has committed £4million to ensure that all staff at partner care organisations receive at least £10.75 per hour.

Councillor Sarah James, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said the following:

“Paying the London Living Wage to workers in the care sector was a major manifesto pledge of this administration and we have honoured it.”

“It will make a significant difference to many low paid care staff who are predominately women and from BAME communities.

“We are proving that depsite years of Tory austerity, a Labour Council can invest in crucial frontline services to build a fairer Haringey.”



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