Haringey Labour News from your Haringey Labour Team
"Until we stop thinking of social care as a burden and think of it as a genuine investment in our society, then real change will not happen." Cllr Sarah James, Haringey Cabinet Member for Adults & Health
Cllr Sarah James, Haringey Cabinet Member for Adults & Health, was recently featured in Labour List with an article to promote her petition to ask the government to Fully Fund Adult Social Care
What has happened to Adult Social Care Funding?
Government funding for adult social care has plummeted – current expenditure is below the 2010/11 level – without acknowledging the increase in population and levels of demand. This burden has not been evenly distributed; between 2010/11 and 2017/18, the 30 councils with the highest levels of deprivation cut services by 17% per person, compared to cuts of 3% per person in the 30 least-deprived areas.
Why does Adult Social Care need better funding?
A recent health and social care select committee heard how undervalued and demoralised care staff feel – some 685,000 home care workers are paid by the minute, with travel and training unpaid for, while others report being monitored by electronic tags. It is a national disgrace that those we call upon to look after our most vulnerable citizens are treated with such contempt.
We created the NHS on the back of a crisis, we can create a National Care Service too – but first we desperately need to end the privatisation and properly fund Adult Social Care.
Please sign and share the petition: http://chng.it/9TVM2Lgj
The full article originally appeared in Labour List – click here to read.